Feel Like Royalty With This Month’s Featured Piece

amethyst_lightThroughout history, royalty in multiple countries has enjoyed fine pieces of jewelry. What are the French without their crown jewels, after all?

At Stones Jewelry, we always want our customers to feel like royalty. For that reason, we are featuring an Amethyst briolette piece this month.

This is a pear-shaped, multifaceted briolette cut weighs 58.79 carats and is set in 14k white gold. There are approximately .10 carats of diamonds featured in this piece. This Amethyst’s color, one that is normally associated with royalty, gives it a regal appearance.

Amethyst has been popular for thousands of years, as they are the favorites of Egyptian royalty, heavily featured in the British Crown Jewels and greatly enjoyed by Russian ruler Catherine the Great. Cleopatra was also a notable fan of the Amethyst, as she sported a ring that was believed to have added to her charm.

Not only does this stone have a royal history that precedes it, but it also holds a lengthy Greek and biblical history. Greece was the civilization that initially recognized the jewel and it was said to be one of 12 stones worn on the breastplate of High Priest Aaron.

To see a historic gemstone that is sure to make you feel like a queen, please visit Stones Jewelry. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about this royal piece of jewelry.